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Links to EU and international policy in Switzerland 2019

In Switzerland the Strategy for Sustainable Development (2016-2019) has been brought in which specifically relates to all 17 of the Sustainable Development Goals. In addition to this there are a number of initiatives designed specifically to implement goal 4, for example, national networking events organised by the UNESCO-Commission for the whole education centre to create a more systemic attitude to lifelong learning. These networks are for providers in formal, and non-formal education as well as people working either children or adults as target groups. In addition to this, the Swiss government has announced that it is working to better foster networks and programmes for specifically non-formal education providers, however, there have been no concrete measures planned so far. 

Our member SVEB is very active in advocacy for adult education in Switzerland, communicating about public initiatives, events, international reports, and is participating and animating activities by civil society organisations.